A night out with friends.
A cute pair of sandals.
A third of a pair of designer jeans.
These are all things that cost about the same as a personal training session.
Which is more important? Let’s think – disease prevention, sleeping better, improved stamina, weight loss, bone growth, increased libido, better memory, longer life – or one of the above. Please don’t tell me that you’re not sure.
Do you change the oil in your car, fill the washer fluid, buy the right gas? Are you proactive about taking care of your car or do you just wait for something to break and then pay much more to fix it? It’s the same principle with our bodies. If we exercise, eat right, learn balance in our lives and engage in stress reducing activities, we avoid costly, and potentially, life threatening problems later.
Working with a personal trainer will dramatically increase your chances to succeed in exercise. How many times have you been gung-ho to start out and within a few weeks (or less) you dropped out? For most of us the answer to this question is “too many to count”. What if you had a personal trainer waiting for you at a scheduled time with a program developed just for that day’s workout? I bet you’d be there.
I can’t tell you how many times clients have told me, “If I didn’t have this appointment with you, there’s no way I would be working out today.” Literally, hundreds. Possibly, thousands. Trainers keep you accountable. Trainers motivate. Trainers help you achieve results more effectively and efficiently than you would on your own. Trainers prevent injury – both in the gym and out by strengthening bones, muscles and connective tissues. Trainers don’t judge. Trainers help you achieve lifelong health changes.
Isn’t that more worth more than…well, anything.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~ Jim Rohn